What Does Natural Wine Mean?

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Meet our June wine partners Brancacci, who explain all about their fantastic Nat Raw Wines.

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The environmental sustainability and the birth of natural wine are a concept based on the "love for our land". A Natural wine is the maximum expression of the fruits given from the soil. It's the influence of the sun and the rain, there's the minimum contact of man in the birth and the growth of grapes and in its transformation.

The Ciabot Winery started moving towards sustainable energy in 2015 and has now fuly integrated all aspects of its production into a complete Green Energy winery. The attention and the respect for the environment take form into the "Green Packaging". Only recycled materials are used, starting from the glass, to the paper, up to the cartons and the pallets also made entirely of recycled materials with prints made with natural non-toxic dyes, without plastic or ribbons.

We are trying to accompain the nature during its natural process, without getting the upper hand. In details, we have a reasoned approach to the crop, we try to keep the grapes as natural as possible by minimizing the use of residual products, pesticides and insecticides and we also try to minimize CO2 emissions in the vineyard. The harvest and the operation in the vineyard are done by hand. No thickeners, additives or other flavorin- gs added to correct the taste of our wines, plus OGM free! Our wines are produced on small scale using traditional rather than industrial techni- ques and fermented with native yeast which makes it a low-intervention, Raw wine.

Sustainability in viticulture was initially attributed mainly to vineyard management, where crucial issues are related to the reduction of use of plant protection products, fertilizers a n d heavy metals. Only more recently, some carbon footprint assessment and environmental certification
programs have begun to assess the impact of the entire wine production chain, including the winemaking stages.

With us, the harvest is made manually in boxes, to maintain the quality
and maximum expression of the grape. In the cellar the grapes are introduced into the tanks and the vinification also takes place in a natu-
ral way with spontaneous fermentation. No clarifications or physical filtrations are carried out, the intervention in the natural fermentation process is reduced at minimum. We do not use diatomaceous earth or cardboard filters which would yield a minimum part of cellulose to the wine. In this way we are able to control the emission of waste to be disposed of. The wine is left to settle in a natural way. The result is a living wine, healthy and rich in natural microbiology, it is the maximum expression of the naturalness that Mother Nature gives us.

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